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Module: User

The user module is responsible of all the functions of the user handling.



Name Description
User The main user table
User2FA Table to handle 2FA
UserActivationCode Activation code returned during registratrion
UserDetails User Details info
UserFaceRec The Face Recognition info
UserPerms User permissions for a given module
UserRegistration Returned during registration process
UserSessionData The user session info
UserSmall The user minimum data


Path Description
GET /user/2fa/start Start a 2FA authentication
POST /user/2fa/verify Verifies that 2FA is OK
POST /user/admin/add Creates a new user in the system
POST /user/admin/change/password Change a user password
DELETE /user/admin/del Deletes a user from the system
PATCH /user/admin/fields Modifies single fields
GET /user/admin/get Returns a user after a search
GET /user/admin/list List users to the system
POST /user/admin/relogin Login as a different user
PATCH /user/admin/update Updates a specified user
POST /user/anonymous Creates an anonymous user session
POST /user/avatar Uploads user avatar
PATCH /user/change/password Changes the user password
POST /user/del/app Deletes an user from the app
POST /user/facerec/add Uploads user face
GET /user/faces/get Gets all images for face recognition
GET /user/faces/modules Load user faces modules
GET /user/find Finds a user in the system
POST /user/info_add Adds more data to the user in the extra field
DELETE /user/info_del Deletes a key from extra field
POST /user/login Standard user login
POST /user/login/2fa Login using 2FA
POST /user/login/metamask User login by a remote service
POST /user/login/remote User login by a remote service
GET /user/logout Logs out the current user
GET /user/me Returns all the data of the currently logged user
POST /user/password-forgot Start the 'Forgot password?' process
POST /user/password-forgot/app Start the 'Forgot password?' process in App Mode
POST /user/password-reset Reset the password
POST /user/perms_set Sets the user permissions
GET /user/perms/get Gets permissions for the specified user
PATCH /user/profile Changes data to the user profile
POST /user/register Start the registration process
GET /user/register/activate/:code Activate the user
POST /user/register/app Register a user using 3rd party app
GET /user/remove/me Removes the current user from system
PATCH /user/set/billing Creates / update user billing info
PATCH /user/set/bio Creates / update users bio
POST /user/tag Tag an user
GET /user/test/create Creates a demo user
POST /user/token User authentication with OAuth2
PATCH /user/update Updates the user data
POST /user/upload2face Assigns an upload as a face to the user


Name Description
user_db_init This function initializes the module database tables.

| user_facerec_get | Gets all Face Recs binded to a user
| user_get_by_group | Returns all the users belonging to the specified group
| user_session_create | This function creates a new entry in the sessions collection.

If a session for the given user already exists, it will be deleted.

NOTE There cannot be more than one session for a given user / email at a time. | user_session_del | Removes a session from the system.
| user_session_get | This function retrieves the session from the sessions collection, using the JWT token provided.

If the session is expired or does not exists, an empty object is returned.
| users_list | Returns all users in the system matching a specified query



Returned during registration process

idx Name Type req priv Description
email str Y The user email
password str Y The user password
name str User first name
lastname str User lastname


Activation code returned during registratrion

idx Name Type req priv Description
code str Temporary code to complete action
email str The user email


DB Table: user_facerecs

The Face Recognition info

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
y domain str Y The domain code
y id_user str The user id
u id_upload str The upload image id
filename str The upload file name
path str The upload path


DB Table: users

The main user table

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
y domain str Y Y The domain code
u email str Y The user email
u username str
name str User name
lastname str User lastname
perms json User permissions
y enabled boolean If the user can log in or not
level num User level
password str Y User login password
code str Y User unique code (used for registration and password recovery)
extra json Extra items for user details (jsoninzed)
language str Preferred language
y phone str The user main phone
avatar str The user Avatar URL
* tags str[] tags for the type
y id_upload str Y The id of the Upload object (for the avatar)
y deleted date Y The date when the user has been deleted
addresses Address[] Addresses binded to the user
facebook str Facebook account
twitter str Twitter account
linkedin str Linkedin account
instagram str Instagram account
website str Website URL
tagline str User tagline
bio str User bio
faces UserFaceRec[] All users Face Rec info
wallet str The wallet ID
y group str The user group


The user session info

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
access_token str The JWT access token
name str The user name
lastname str The user lastname
avatar str The user avatar URL
token_type str The token type (defaults to Bearer)
perms json Array of user perms
email str The user email
id_user str
nonce str The Nonce used for 2FA
group str The user group
username str The user username


User permissions for a given module

idx Name Type req priv Description
module_name str The module name of the permissions
permissions str[] The list of permissions for the given module


User Details info

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
username str
name str User name
lastname str User lastname
email str User email
avatar str User avatar path


DB Table: user_2fas

Table to handle 2FA

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id_user str Y The ID User
twofactor str The 2FA code
enabled boolean If T, twofactor is enabled
y nonce str The nonce code


The user minimum data

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
domain str Y The user domain
name str Y The user first name
lastname str Y The user lastname
username str Y The user username
email str Y The user email


POST /user/admin/add - Creates a new user in the system

This endpoint creates a valid user in the system, bypassing registration and verification phases.

Name Type req Description
email str Y The user email
password str Y The user password
username str Y The username
name str The user first name
lastname str The user lastname
perms str[] User permissions
enabled boolean Flag T/F to know if the user is enabled
language str The user language
group str The user group


name description
user.create Permission to create / modify user

Return: user as User

PATCH /user/admin/update - Updates a specified user

Name Type req Description
id str Y The user id to be changed
email str the new user email
password str the user password
name str the user first name
lastname str the user lastname
enabled boolean If the user is enabled or not
level num The user level
language str The user language


name description
user.create Permission to create / modify user

Return: user as User

DELETE /user/admin/del - Deletes a user from the system

Deletes a user from the system

Name Type req Description
id_user str Y The user ID to be deleted


name description
user.create Permission to create / modify user

Return: id_user as str

PATCH /user/admin/fields - Modifies single fields

The call modifies a single field. This function returns the full User structure

Name Type req Description
id str Y the user id
data json Y The field / value to patch


name description
user.create Permission to create / modify user

Return: user as User

POST /user/register - Start the registration process

Start the registration process of the user. The call creates an entry inside the database (if no error is encountered)

If in debug mode this functyion returns the UserActivationCode

Name Type req Description
email str Y the new user email
password str Y the user password
recaptcha str Y The recaptcha check code
name str the user first name
lastname str the user lastname
phone str the user phone
username str The user username
group str The user group


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: uac as UserActivationCode

PATCH /user/update - Updates the user data

Updates user data. You can specify one or more of the required fields. Some fields, such as email and username are checked for uniqueness.

Only the user can update him/her self.

Name Type req Description
email str the new user email
password str the user password
name str the user name
lastname str the user lastname
username str the username
group str The user group
phone str The user phone number


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: user as User

POST /user/avatar - Uploads user avatar

Uploads a user avatar. Only the user can update him/her self.

Name Type req Description
avatar file Y The user avatar file


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: user as User

POST /user/facerec/add - Uploads user face

Uploads a user face for face recognition.

Only the user can update him/her self.

Name Type req Description
face file Y the user face photo


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: facerec as UserFaceRec

POST /user/password-forgot - Start the 'Forgot password?' process

Start the 'Password forgotten' process for the user.

The call creates a temporary token for the user.

In debug mode returns to the user the activation code as str inside uac.

Name Type req Description
email str Y the user email
recaptcha str Y the recaptcha verification code


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: uac as str

POST /user/password-reset - Reset the password

Resets the user password.

Name Type req Description
email str Y the user email
code str Y the activation code
password str Y the new password


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: ok as boolean

GET /user/register/activate/:code - Activate the user

This is the activation request.

Name Type req Description
code str Y the activation code returned by the /api/register call


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: user as User

POST /user/tag - Tag an user

This endpoint allows you to add tags to a user.

Name Type req Description
id_user str Y the user id
tags str[] Y A list of tags to be added to the user


name description
user.tag Permission to modify user's tag
user.create Permission to create / modify user

Return: user as User

POST /user/token - User authentication with OAuth2

This endpoint implements the user authentication with the OAuth2 protocol.

If the user is known, a JWT token with the running session is returned to the system.

Name Type req Description
username str Y it must contain the user email
password str Y the user password


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: __plain__ as UserSessionData

POST /user/login - Standard user login

This endpoint implements the user authentication with email or username and password field.

The call must provide also recaptcha or challenge in order to verify the validity of the call. \ You don't have to provide both, but one is mandatory.

If the user is known, a JWT token with the running session is returned to the system.

Name Type req Description
password str Y the user password
email str The user email
username str The username
recaptcha str The recaptcha check code
challenge str The challenge verification code


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: __plain__ as UserSessionData

POST /user/login/remote - User login by a remote service

This endpoint logs in a user authenticated by a remote service.

Since this is a public call, the challenge parameter is used to verify that the call is from the correct service.

The challenge parameter is a MD5 hash created composing (email + name + remote_secret_key as set in the data.json config file under security / remote).

The avatar parameter is optional and it can contain an absolute URL to an image avatar of the user.

Name Type req Description
email str Y The user email
name str Y The user name
challenge str Y The challenge
avatar str The user avatar


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: __plain__ as UserSessionData

GET /user/admin/list - List users to the system

Returns all user registered to the system.

If domain is specified, the list is filtered by domain.

If the user does not have the system.admin permission, only the users by his domain will be shown.

If tag is specified, the list is filtered by tag.

Name Type req Description
tag str The tag to filter by


name description
user.create Permission to create / modify user
user.group_owner The user is the master of a Group

Return: users as User

GET /user/logout - Logs out the current user

This endpoint logs out the current user

Name Type req Description


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: ok as boolean

GET /user/me - Returns all the data of the currently logged user

This endpoints returns all data related to the currently logged in user.

Name Type req Description


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: user as User

POST /user/perms_set - Sets the user permissions

This endpoint set the full user permissions.

The function will allow changing the permsissions only if the request comes from a logged user with the user.perms permission set.

If the system: [ 'admin' ] permission is set to the user, it becomes a super user and can do all operations on the system.

Name Type req Description
id_user str Y The user id
perms UserPerms Y A JSON of UserPerms structure


name description
user.perms Permission to change user's perms

Return: ok as boolean

POST /user/info_add - Adds more data to the user in the extra field

This endpoint adds extra information inside the extra field, under the key specified.

If key was already present in the extra field, everything in key will be overwritten.

New keys will be added to extra.

If key is omitted (passing '') the data is added to the extra root.

Name Type req Description
key str Y the main key
data json Y the new data to be added


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: ok as boolean

DELETE /user/info_del - Deletes a key from extra field

This endpoint deletes the specified key from the extra field.

Name Type req Description
key str Y The key to be deleted


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: ok as boolean

PATCH /user/profile - Changes data to the user profile

This is the first tab 'Profile' of the UserProfile interface.

You can change data only to the current loggedin user.

Name Type req Description
name str The user name
lastname str The user lastname
phone str User phone
email str user email
addr_street str Address street
addr_nr str Address street number
addr_zip str Address zip code
addr_city str Address city
addr_state str Address state (or probvince)
addr_country str Address country
facebook str Facebook user name
twitter str Twitter user name
linkedin str Linkedin user name
instagram str Instagram user name
website str User personal web site


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: user as User

GET /user/test/create - Creates a demo user

This endpoint creates a demo user

Name Type req Description


name description
user.create Permission to create / modify user

Return: user as User

PATCH /user/change/password - Changes the user password

This is the change password functionality for UserProfile tab.

You can change data only to the current loggedin user.

Name Type req Description
old_password str Y the old password
new_password str Y the new password
recaptcha str Y the recaptcha verfication code


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: ok as boolean

PATCH /user/set/bio - Creates / update users bio

Use this endpoint to update user bio or tagline (or both).

The currently logged in user can only change his/her own data.

Name Type req Description
tagline str User tagline
bio str User bio


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: user as User

PATCH /user/set/billing - Creates / update user billing info

Creates / updates the user billing info.

You can change data only to the current loggedin user.

Name Type req Description
address str The street address
nr str The street address number
name str Address name
city str Address city
zip str Address postal code
state str Address state
country str Address country
company_name str Company name
fiscal_code str Fiscal code
vat_number str VAT number
sdi str SDI code
pec str PEC email


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: user as User

POST /user/login/metamask - User login by a remote service

This endpoint logs in a user authenticated by a remote service.

Since this is a public call, the challenge parameter is used to verify that the call is from the correct service.

The challenge parameter is a MD5 hash created composing (address + remote_secret_key as set in the data.json config file under security / remote).

Name Type req Description
address str Y The wallet address
challenge str Y The challenge


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: __plain__ as UserSessionData

This method can return a user after searching all users by some params.

Params are all optional, but at least one must be given, or the current user will be returned.

If the search returns more than one single user, only the first will be returned.

Name Type req Description
id str The user id
email str The user email
name str The user name
lastname str The user lastname


name description
user.create Permission to create / modify user

Return: user as User

GET /user/remove/me - Removes the current user from system

This method removes the current user from the system

Name Type req Description


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: ok as boolean

GET /user/perms/get - Gets permissions for the specified user

This endpoint set returns full user permissions.

Name Type req Description
id_user str Y The user id


name description
user.perms Permission to change user's perms

Return: ok as boolean

GET /user/faces/get - Gets all images for face recognition

Return all images available for face recognition

If the id_user is not specified, the current logged user faces are returned.

If the id_user is specified, but the user does not have the user.create permission, the id_user will be the one of the currently logged user.

Name Type req Description
id_user str The User ID to get faces for


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: faces as UserFaceRec

POST /user/upload2face - Assigns an upload as a face to the user

Name Type req Description
id_upload str Y The ID Upload
id_user str The user id


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: face as UserFaceRec

GET /user/faces/modules - Load user faces modules

Name Type req Description


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: ok as boolean

POST /user/anonymous - Creates an anonymous user session

This method is used when you need a temporary session for a user. It creates a real user in the database, with fake data.

Users have a 24 hours life span, if not converted into "real" users, they are deleted.

Name Type req Description
ts str Y The generated random number
challenge str Y The challenge


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: user as User

POST /user/register/app - Register a user using 3rd party app

Start the registration process of the user replacing the rechapta with a challenge code. The call creates an entry inside the database (if no error is encountered)

If in debug mode this functyion returns the UserActivationCode

Name Type req Description
email str Y the new user email
password str Y the user password
challenge str Y The challenge code
name str the user first name
lastname str the user lastname
phone str the user phone
username str The user username
group str The user group


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: uac as UserActivationCode

GET /user/find - Finds a user in the system

This endpoints allows the search of a user in the system.

You can search only for one these fields at a time:

  • email
  • username

and both these fields are considered complete strings and not partials.

The search parameter will search in both fields at the same time.

Name Type req Description
search str The user email


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: user as UserDetails

POST /user/password-forgot/app - Start the 'Forgot password?' process in App Mode

Start the 'Password forgotten' process for the user in App Mode, where the reCaptcha cannot be used. This password-forgot takes the username that will be checked against both username and email fields.

The call creates a temporary token for the user that is emailed to the user.

In debug mode returns to the user the activation code as str inside uac.

Name Type req Description
username str Y the username of the user
challenge str Y the challenge code


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: uac as UserActivationCode

POST /user/del/app - Deletes an user from the app

Deletes a user from the app, providing a challenge. The user can only remove him/her self.

Name Type req Description
id_user str Y The user id to be deleted
username str Y The username
challenge str Y The request challenge


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: ok as boolean

GET /user/2fa/start - Start a 2FA authentication

This endpoint starts a new 2FA authentication process for the user. It generates an internal key and stores it inside the 2fa field of the user

Name Type req Description


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: url as str

POST /user/login/2fa - Login using 2FA

Completes the login process by providing the 2FA challenge value

Name Type req Description
id str Y The user id
code str Y The 2FA code
nonce str Y The nonce code


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: __plain__ as UserSessionData

POST /user/2fa/verify - Verifies that 2FA is OK

Used to verify the 2FA activation for a new user. The user must be logged in to use this call.

Name Type req Description
code str Y The 2FA verification code


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: ok as boolean

POST /user/admin/change/password - Change a user password

This is an enpoint that can help admins to change user password when needed.

Name Type req Description
id_user str Y The user id to change the password to
password str Y The new password


name description
user.password Can change a user password

Return: ok as boolean

POST /user/admin/relogin - Login as a different user

This endpoint allows a user to login to the system as a different user, without using login and password.

Name Type req Description
id_user str Y The user ID to login into


name description
user.change_identity Can login as another user

Return: __plain__ as UserSessionData


user_db_init - Initializes user module database

This function initializes the module database tables.

Name Type req Description
liwe iliwe Y LiWE full instance

Return: boolean

user_facerec_get - Gets all Face Rec binded to a user

Gets all Face Recs binded to a user

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y The ILRequest
id_user str Y ID user

Return: UserFaceRec

user_session_del - Deletes a session of one user

Removes a session from the system.

Name Type req Description
req iliwe Y The ILRequest
key str Y The Session key

Return: boolean

user_session_get - Returns a user session by the given Token

This function retrieves the session from the sessions collection, using the JWT token provided.

If the session is expired or does not exists, an empty object is returned.

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y The ILRequest
tok str Y The JSON Web Token to decode

Return: any

user_session_create - Creates a new session for the User

This function creates a new entry in the sessions collection.

If a session for the given user already exists, it will be deleted.

NOTE There cannot be more than one session for a given user / email at a time.

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y The ILRequest
user User Y The user to create the session to

Return: str

user_get_by_group - Returns a list of users by group

Returns all the users belonging to the specified group

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y the Request field
group str Y The group

Return: User

users_list - List all users

Returns all users in the system matching a specified query

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y the Request field
query json The query conditions

Return: User