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Module: MediaManager



Name Description
Media The Media type
MediaBind Describes which modules are using a media
MediaFolder Collection of folders
MediaTreeItem A structure describing a MediaTree Item


Path Description
DELETE /media/delete/items Deletes one or more items
POST /media/folder/create Creates a new folder
DELETE /media/folder/delete Deletes a folder
PATCH /media/folder/rename Rename a folder
GET /media/folder/root Returns the root folder
GET /media/folders/tree Returns a tree of folders
GET /media/get Gets a media by id
GET /media/get/latest Returns the latest loaded items
GET /media/list List media
PATCH /media/meta/update Update media metadata
GET /media/search
POST /media/upload Uploads a single file
POST /media/upload/chunk/add Adds a new chunk during the upload
POST /media/upload/chunk/start Starts a new media chunked upload



DB Table: mm_medias

The Media type

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
y domain str
y id_owner str The user id that uploaded this media
y id_folder str The folder containing this media
y title str Media title
name str Upload file name
original_filename str The original uploaded file name
mimetype str The file mimetype
thumbnail str The path of the generated thumbnail
path str The uploaded path
filename str The uploaded filename
abs_path str The absolute path and filename
size int File size in bytes
ext str File Extension
y is_ready boolean Flag T/F that tells if the media is ready
md5 str MD5 file checksum
* tags str[] tags for this media
lat str Latitude
lng str Longitude
width int Width in pixels
height int Height in pixels
y year int Year of creation of the media
y month int Month of creation of the media
y creation date Date of creation of the media
y orientation int If a photo is vertical or horizontal
exif json Image EXIF metadata


DB Table: mm_bindings

Describes which modules are using a media

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
id_media str Y
id_object str Y
module str Y


DB Table: mm_folders

Collection of folders

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
y domain str The domain
id_parent str The parent folder
name str Y
subfolders str[] IDs of Media Folders
medias str[] IDs of Medias in this folder


A structure describing a MediaTree Item

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
id_parent str
name str Y
subfolders MediaTreeItem[] Y


POST /media/upload/chunk/start - Starts a new media chunked upload

Use this to start a new chunked upload. The chunked upload is used to upload very big files.

This call will instruct the server to receive a new chunked file. During this call you have to provide the original filename and the whole upload size in bytes.

The endpoint will return the id_upload that must be used for the next chunked transfer calls.

Name Type req Description
id_folder str Y The ID Folder where to upload the media
filename str Y Original filename
size int Y Complete file size in bytes
title str The media title
tags str[] The media tags


name description
media.create Can create a new media

Return: id_upload as str

POST /media/upload/chunk/add - Adds a new chunk during the upload

This call will add a new chunk to the file being uploaded.

In the query field you have to provide:

  • id_upload: the upload id you got with the /media/upload/chunk/start call
  • start: the start position of this chunk (in bytes)

In the post section, you have to provide an application/octet-stream of your binary chunk data.

Name Type req Description
id_upload str Y The id_upload
start int Y The starting point


name description
media.create Can create a new media

Return: bytes as int

POST /media/folder/create - Creates a new folder

Creates a new folder

Name Type req Description
id_parent str Y The parent folder
name str Y The folder name


name description
media.folder Can create media folders

Return: folder as MediaFolder

PATCH /media/folder/rename - Rename a folder

Renames a folder

Name Type req Description
id_folder str Y
name str Y The new folder name


name description
media.folder Can create media folders

Return: folder as MediaFolder

DELETE /media/folder/delete - Deletes a folder

This endpoint deletes the provided folder along with all the subfolders and all the media contained.

Name Type req Description
id_folder str Y The ID folder to delete


name description
media.folder_delete Can delete a media folder

Return: ok as boolean

GET /media/folder/root - Returns the root folder

Returns the root folder (related to the user domain)

Name Type req Description


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: folder as MediaFolder

GET /media/list - List media

This endpoints can returns all elements of the specified id_folder.

If id_folder is not specified, all media are returned.

Name Type req Description
id_folders str[] The ID Folders we want media from


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: medias as Media

GET /media/get - Gets a media by id

Name Type req Description
id str Y The media ID


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: media as Media

GET /media/folders/tree - Returns a tree of folders

Returns a tree of folders starting from the id_folder provided.

If not id_folder is provided, the root folder will be used.

The tree returned will contain all folders and subfolders, but not the files.

Name Type req Description
id_folder str The starting ID folder


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: tree as MediaFolder

DELETE /media/delete/items - Deletes one or more items

This endpoint deletes from the filesystem all the items specified inside the medias.\ Each item specified is the id of a media item

Name Type req Description
medias str[] Y An array of ID media to be deleted


name description
media.delete Can delete a media

Return: deleted as int

POST /media/upload - Uploads a single file

This method allows the upload of one or more files, using the classical way of uploading of POST files.

Name Type req Description
title str The media title
module str The module the file belongs to
id_folder str Destination Folder id
tags str[] File tags


name description
media.create Can create a new media

Return: media as Media

GET /media/search -

Performs a query for one or more of the given fields

Name Type req Description
title str Media title
name str Media name
type str Media type
tags str[] Media tags
year int Media creation year
skip int Pagination start
rows int How many rows to return


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: medias as Media

GET /media/get/latest - Returns the latest loaded items

Name Type req Description
skip int The starting point
rows int How many items to retrieve


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: medias as Media

PATCH /media/meta/update - Update media metadata

Updates the media metadata

Name Type req Description
id str Y Media id
title str Media title
tags str[] Media tags


name description
media.create Can create a new media

Return: media as Media
