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Sending emails


One of the most common tasks for applications is to send emails.

LiWE3 makes it extremely easy, supporting also localization.

Before sending an email, you should check these steps:

  • Check that the SMTP configuration in etc/config/data.json is correct.
  • Create or edit a template inside etc/templates/(module name)/(template name) file.

For a complete explanation of the LiWE3 main configuration file, where you can find SMTP keys and values, please refer to the documentation

In the next paragraphs, we will explain how to create a template.

Creating an email template

As we said, email templates are stored in etc/templates/(module name)/(template name).

To support localization, different templates must be created for each language you want to support. The files must follow the following naming convention:

(template name).(lang).html (template name).(lang).txt

Files ending with .txt are optional and are used to send plain text emails.

So for example, if you have a template for "Password forgot" in both Italian and English, you should create these files:

  • password_forgot.en.html

If you don't want to send localized email, you can create a file with the same name as the template, but without the language extension.

Template creation

Template uses the common Handlebars syntax.

And handlebars parameters are passed inside the args parameter (see below).

Template resolution

When sending an email, the system will check files in the following order:

  1. (template name).(user browser language).html
  2. (template name).(preferred config language).html
  3. (template name).en.txt
  4. (template name).txt

Sending email by code

The LiWE3 library has a lot of functions to send email, from low level to high level. The one most used and recommended is send_mail_template_locale() that sends an email respecting all the specifications we have described in the previous section.

The function parameters are:

  • module: The module name (eg. user)
  • template: The template name (eg. password_forgot)
  • language: The language code (eg. it)
  • subject: The email subject
  • args: The email arguments
  • to: The email recipient
  • from: The email sender
  • cback: (optional) The callback function to be called when the email is sent