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Module: System



Name Description
SystemDomain The multi-tier domain
SystemDomainAdmin The multi-tier domain
SystemDomainPublic The public info for a Domain
SystemTheme Handling of system theme settings


Path Description
POST /system/admin/domain/add Adds a domain in the system
DELETE /system/admin/domain/del Deletes a domain from the system
PATCH /system/admin/domain/update Updates a domain in the system
GET /system/admin/domains/list List all domains
GET /system/admin/permissions/list Returns all permissions available on the system
PATCH /system/admin/reset/id Force an id to be changed on the system
PATCH /system/admin/theme/set Set the system theme
GET /system/domain/current Returns the current active domain
POST /system/domain/set Set the current domain for the user
GET /system/domains/list List all visible domains
POST /system/email/test Test email sending
GET /system/theme/get Returns the current theme


Name Description
system_db_init This function initializes the module database tables.
system_domain_get_by_code This function returns a SystemDomain structure by its code.
system_domain_get_by_id This function returns a SystemDomain structure by its id.
system_domain_get_by_session This function returns a SystemDomain structure by its code.
system_domain_get_default This function returns a SystemDomain structure by its id.
system_permissions_register This function is called by every module during the initialization phase.
The module calls this function to pass its permissions and descriptions to the system.

This data is consumed by /system/admin/permissions/list endpoint



DB Table: system_domains

The multi-tier domain

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
u code str Y The domain unique code
name str Y The domain name
y visible boolean Y If the domain is visible


DB Table: system_themes

Handling of system theme settings

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
u domain str Y Y The domain code
data json The Theme data


The multi-tier domain

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
u code str Y The domain unique code
name str Y The domain name
y visible boolean Y If the domain is visible


The public info for a Domain

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
code str Y
name str Y


GET /system/domains/list - List all visible domains

List all visible domains

Name Type req Description


name description
system.domain The user can operate on system domains

Return: domains as SystemDomain

POST /system/domain/set - Set the current domain for the user

Set the current domain for the user

Name Type req Description
code str Y the domain unique code


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: domain as SystemDomain

POST /system/admin/domain/add - Adds a domain in the system

Adds a new domain to the System.

Name Type req Description
code str Y the domain unique code
name str Y the domain name
visible boolean if the domain is visible or not [default: true]


name description
system.domain The user can operate on system domains

Return: domain as SystemDomain

PATCH /system/admin/domain/update - Updates a domain in the system

Updates a domain in the system. The id field must be provided.

Name Type req Description
id str Y the domain id
code str the domain unique code
name str the domain name
visible boolean if the domain is visible or not


name description
system.domain The user can operate on system domains

Return: domain as SystemDomain

DELETE /system/admin/domain/del - Deletes a domain from the system

Delete a domain from the system. You can specify both id and code for deletion

Name Type req Description
id str the domain id
code str the domain unique code


name description
system.domain The user can operate on system domains

Return: id_domain as str

GET /system/admin/domains/list - List all domains

List all domains

Name Type req Description


name description
system.domain The user can operate on system domains

Return: domains as SystemDomainAdmin

PATCH /system/admin/theme/set - Set the system theme

Changes something in the system theme.

Name Type req Description
changes json the main changes


name description
system.theme The user can manage system themes

Return: theme as SystemTheme

GET /system/theme/get - Returns the current theme

Name Type req Description


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: theme as SystemTheme

PATCH /system/admin/reset/id - Force an id to be changed on the system

Force an id to be changed on the system. You have to specify the current id, the new id and the collection name.

Name Type req Description
id str Y the current id
new_id str Y the new id
collection str Y the collection name


name description
system.admin The super user permission to do everything

Return: id as str

POST /system/email/test - Test email sending

This endpoint tests email sending.

You can specify the destination email address to send the message to, but the message itself is defined by the app.

Name Type req Description
email str Y Destination email address


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: result as boolean

GET /system/admin/permissions/list - Returns all permissions available on the system

Returns all the permissions available in the System. The list depends also on the user's permissions: - If the user has system.admin, the endpoint will return all permissions available - if the user doesn't have system.admin the endpoint will return only the permissions the user already has.

Permissions are returned in an object with: module name as key and a string list of permissions available for that module.

Name Type req Description


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: permissions as json

GET /system/domain/current - Returns the current active domain

Name Type req Description


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: domain as SystemDomainPublic


system_domain_get_default - Gets the default domain

This function returns a SystemDomain structure by its id.

Name Type req Description

Return: SystemDomain

system_domain_get_by_id - Gets a domain by its id

This function returns a SystemDomain structure by its id.

Name Type req Description
id str Y The Domain id

Return: SystemDomain

system_domain_get_by_code - Gets a domain by its code

This function returns a SystemDomain structure by its code.

Name Type req Description
code str Y The Domain code

Return: SystemDomain

system_domain_get_by_session - Gets a domain by user session

This function returns a SystemDomain structure by its code.

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y The current session request

Return: SystemDomain

system_db_init - Initializes system module

This function initializes the module database tables.

Name Type req Description
liwe iliwe Y LiWE full config

Return: boolean

system_permissions_register - Add module's permissions to the system

This function is called by every module during the initialization phase. The module calls this function to pass its permissions and descriptions to the system.

This data is consumed by /system/admin/permissions/list endpoint

Name Type req Description
module str Y The module name
perms json Y The module permissions

Return: boolean