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TemplateBase API

These are the public methods of the TemplateBase class.


  • snippets: A dictionary of snippets extracted by reading your previously generated file



create_file ( self, full_path: str, mod: Module, keep_all_snippets: bool = False ):

This method creates a new output file It also creates all the missing directories and extract snippets from the file if it exists.


- `full_path`: The full path of the file to create
- `mod`: The module that is being processed
- `keep_all_snippets`: If true, all snippets read in previous runs will be kept. If false, only the snippets that are in the current file will be kept.

See also: extract_snippets()


endpoint_mk_function ( self, ep: Endpoint ):

This method returns the Endpoint unique function name, composed by the endpoint name and the method.

See also: valid_function_name()


extract_snippets ( self, mod: Module, fname: str )
Extracts all the code you have written in the file fname and stores it in the snippets dictionary. The code extracted is the one between the f2c_start and f2c_end comments.

See Populating the Hexocode for more information.


  • mod: The current Module we are working on
  • fname: The name of the file to be read and parsed


You usually do not call this method directly, but it is implicitly called with the create_file() method.

### join_newlines()

join_newlines ( self, lst: list[str], num_elems: int = 5 ) -> str:

This is a helper method that joins a list of strings into a single string, with a newline character between every num_elems elements. This is very useful when you want to create a list of imports, for example.


mk_documentation ( self, main_doc: str, params_doc: list[str], ret_name: str, ret_type: str, ret_doc: str, TEMPL: dict[str,str] ) -> str:

This method creates the documentation string from the parameters passed.


  • main_doc: The main documentation string.
  • params_doc: A list of strings, each of which is a parameter documentation string.
  • ret_name: The name of the return value.
  • ret_type: The type of the return value.
  • ret_doc: The documentation string for the return value.
  • TEMPL: A dictionary of strings, each of which is a template for a parameter documentation string.

See also: params_and_doc()


mod_name ( self, mod: Module )

Returns the name of the module in snake_case format.


params_and_doc ( self, fn: Endpoint | Function, TEMPL: dict[str,str], honour_float: bool = True ) -> tuple[list[str],list[str]]:

This method returns a tuple with two elements:

  • A list of strings, each of which is a parameter declaration string.
  • A list of strings, each of which is a parameter documentation string.


  • fn: The function or endpoint to be documented.
  • TEMPL: A dictionary of templates.
  • honour_float: If True, the float type will be treated as float.

See also: mk_documentation()


prepare_field ( self, field: Field, template: str, template_obj: str, honour_float: bool = False, use_enums: bool = False ) -> str:

This method applies the template or template_obj to the field, depending on the type of the field, and returns a string with the result.

Parameters: - field: The field to be used to create the string. - template: The template to use. - template_obj: The template to use for objects. - honour_float: If True, the float types will be kept, if False, they will be converted to int. - use_enums: If True, the template will use Enums instead of strings.


valid_function_name ( self, name: str )

Returns the passed name as a valid function name, stripping all the invalid characters