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Module: Upload

The upload module is responsible of all the file upload functionalities in the whole website.



Name Description
Upload Upload
UploadExtended Upload Extended
UploadReqData Upload Required Data
UploadReqInfo Upload Required Info
UploadSmall Upload reduced structure for listings


Path Description
DELETE /upload/del Deletes an Upload
GET /upload/details Get all info about a single Upload
GET /upload/extensions Lists all available extensions
POST /upload/file Uploads a single file to the system
GET /upload/get Returns a file
GET /upload/list Lists available files
POST /upload/multiple Uploads multiple files
POST /upload/tus/move Moves files from temp tus dir to uploader dir


Name Description
upload_add_file This function initializes the module database tables.
upload_add_file_name This function initializes the module database tables.
upload_db_init This function initializes the module database tables.
upload_del_file This function removes a file from the Upload system.
upload_list_small This function lists all resources for the given module and id_obj and returns a list of UploadSmall items
upload_move_file This function moves the specified file.
upload_req_info This function gets some info from a file being uploaded.
upload_req_info_file This function gets some info from a file being uploaded.



DB Table: uploads


idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
y domain str Y The domain for the file
y id_owner str User that created this file (and it is defined as 'owner')
y id_object str ID of the object this upload is binded to
y module str The module name the id_object belongs to
y name str Upload file name
y original_filename str The original uploaded file name
mimetype str The file mimetype
thumbnail str The path of the generated thumbnail
path str The uploaded path
filename str The uploaded filename
abs_path str The absolute path and filename
y size num File size in bytes
y ext str File Extension


Upload Extended

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
owner User The upload owner
id_object str ID of the object this upload is binded to
module str The module name the id_object belongs to
name str Upload file name
original_filename str The original uploaded file name
mimetype str The file mimetype
thumbnail str The path of the generated thumbnail
path str The uploaded path
filename str The uploaded filename
abs_path str The absolute path and filename
size num File size in bytes
ext str File Extension
uploaded date Date of when the file has been uploaded


Upload Required Info

idx Name Type req priv Description
file file The real file
path str The file fullpath
size num The file size in bytes
type str The file mimetype
name str The original file name
ext str The file extension


Upload Required Data

idx Name Type req priv Description
path str The file fullpath
name str The original file name
full_filename str The full original file name


Upload reduced structure for listings

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
y original_filename str The original uploaded file name
thumbnail str The path of the generated thumbnail
y size num File size in bytes
y ext str File Extension


POST /upload/file - Uploads a single file to the system

This function returns the full Upload structure.

Name Type req Description
name str Y The filename
file file The file must be inside the file field
id_obj str the ID of the object this file will be binded to
module str The module name the id_obejct refers


name description
upload.add The user can add a new upload

Return: Upload as upload

POST /upload/multiple - Uploads multiple files

Uploads multiple files at once in the system.

Name Type req Description
files file The file must be inside the file field
module str The module name
md5_check str The md5 hash of the file


name description
upload.add The user can add a new upload

Return: Upload as uploads

DELETE /upload/del - Deletes an Upload

This call deletes an upload.

Name Type req Description
id_upload str Y The id of the upload to delete


name description
upload.del The user can delete an upload

Return: str as id

GET /upload/list - Lists available files

This call shows available files.

Result can be filtered by module, id_obj, id_user, mimetype

Name Type req Description
module str The module name
id_obj str The id_object
id_user str The user id
mimetype str The mime type


name description
upload.list The user can list uploads

Return: Upload as uploads

GET /upload/extensions - Lists all available extensions

This call returns all available extensions.

Name Type req Description


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: str as extensions

GET /upload/details - Get all info about a single Upload

Get all info about a single upload, specified by id.

Name Type req Description
id str Y The upload ID


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: UploadExtended as upload

GET /upload/get - Returns a file

This call returns a file by id.

Name Type req Description
id str Y The upload ID


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: str as url

POST /upload/tus/move - Moves files from temp tus dir to uploader dir

This endpoint accepts a JSON with mappings of files uploaded by TUS and move them to the uploader dir. The data field contains a JSON with this format:

json { "module": "(module name)", "id_object": "(id_object)", "files": [ { "name": "(file_name)", "tmp_name": "(tmp_file_name)", "size": 1234 } ] }

Name Type req Description
data json Y A json containing a list of files to be moved


name description
logged Only autheticated users can call this

Return: str as ids


upload_del_file - Deletes an entry in the Upload

This function removes a file from the Upload system.

Name Type req Description
id str Y The Upload ID

Return: boolean

upload_move_file - Moves the specified file

This function moves the specified file.

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y The request containing the files attr
u Upload Y The upload object
u_info UploadReqInfo Y The upload info object
dest_path str The destination path
thumb boolean If T, a thumbnail is generated

Return: Upload

upload_req_info_file - Returns info about an upload

This function gets some info from a file being uploaded.

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y The request containing the files attr
file file Y The file field

Return: UploadReqInfo

upload_req_info - Returns info about an upload

This function gets some info from a file being uploaded.

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y The request containing the files attr
field_name str Y The field name

Return: UploadReqInfo

upload_add_file - Adds a new file in the system

This function initializes the module database tables.

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y The request containing the files attr
file Upload Y The file
module str Y The module related to this file
id_obj str Y The object related to this file
dest_path str Y The destination path (partial)
file_name str The destination file name (if omitted, the name is generated)
thumb boolean If T, a thumbnail is generated
name str The new "public" filename (when file is downloaded)
owner str If provided, it is the owner of the upload
md5_check str The md5 hash of the file

Return: Upload

upload_add_file_name - Adds a new file in the system

This function initializes the module database tables.

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y The request containing the files attr
field_name str Y The field name
module str Y The module related to this file
id_obj str Y The object related to this file
dest_path str Y The destination path (partial)
file_name str The destination file name (if omitted, the name is generated)
thumb boolean If T, a thumbnail is generated
name str The new "public" filename (when file is downloaded)
owner str If provided, it is the owner of the upload

Return: Upload

upload_db_init - Initializes upload module database

This function initializes the module database tables.

Name Type req Description
liwe iliwe Y LiWE full config

Return: boolean

upload_list_small - List all resources for the given module/id_obj

This function lists all resources for the given module and id_obj and returns a list of UploadSmall items

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y the Request field
module str Y The module name
id_obj str Y The id object

Return: UploadSmall