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recaptcha_check = async ( captcha: string )

Checks the validity of a reCAPTCHA response.


Name Type Description
captcha any The

Returns: A Promise that resolves to the reCAPTCHA verification result.


md5 = ( txt: string, do_check: boolean = true )

This function converts txt into an MD5 string. If do_check is true, the original string is checked against a Regular Expression to verify if it is already an MD5 string, and (in that case) it is just returned without hashing.


Name Type Description
txt any The
do_check any If

Returns: ``


md5File = ( fname: string ): string

Calculates the MD5 hash of a file.


Name Type Description
fname any The path to the file.

Returns: The MD5 hash of the file.


sha512 = ( txt: string, do_check: boolean = true )

Calculates the SHA512 hash of a given string.


Name Type Description
txt any The string to be hashed.
do_check any Optional. Specifies whether to check if the input string is already a valid SHA512 hash. Default is true.

Returns: The SHA512 hash of the input string.


send_error = ( res: express.Response, error: any, error_code: number = 400 )

This function returns an error to Express


Name Type Description
req The any Express
error any an
error_code any the

Returns: ``


send_ok = ( res: express.Response, payload: any, status_code: number = 200 )

This function is used when an Express request succedees


Name Type Description
res any the
payload any the
status_code any the

Returns: ``


send_html = ( res: express.Response, payload: string, status_code: number = 200 )

This function returns a simple HTML instead of the standard JSON returned by send_ok()


Name Type Description
res any the
payload any the
status_code any the

Returns: ``


send_binary = ( res: express.Response, buffer: any, content_type: string, filename: string )

Sends a binary response with the specified buffer, content type, and filename.


Name Type Description
res any The express response object.
buffer any The binary buffer to send.
content_type any The content type of the response.
filename any The filename for the attachment.

Returns: ``


rand_int = ( min: number = 0, max: number = 100 ): number

Generates a random integer number from min to max


Name Type Description
min any Random
max any Random

Returns: an integer between the specified min / max range


unique_code = ( simple: boolean = true, prefix: string = null, second_slice: boolean = true ): string

Generates an unique string code (up to 37 chars long)


Name Type Description
simple If any the
prefix The any prefix
second_slice If any a

Returns: the unique string generated


unique_code_numbers = ( length: number, second_slice: number = 0 ): string

Generates a unique code number string based on the current timestamp.


Name Type Description
length number The length of the code number string to generate.
[second_slice=0] number The length of the second slice to append to the code number string.

Returns: {string} - The unique code number string.


mkid = ( prefix: string, ext?: string )

@description This function returns an unique id, the id starts with the prefix and can optionally contain an extension


Name Type Description
prefix any The prefix to add to the string
ext any The extension to add to the string

Returns: ``


random_string = ( length: number = 4, iterations: number = 20, numeric: boolean = false ): string

returns a random string of specified length using a randomizer of iterations.


Name Type Description
length: any
iterations: any the

Returns: the created random string


fetch_file = ( url: string, dest_local_path: string )

Fetch a file from the given url into dest_local_path


Name Type Description
url any
dest_local_path any The

Returns: ``


jwt_crypt = ( payload: any, secret: string, expires: number ): string

Generates a JWT token with the provided payload, secret, and expiration time.


Name Type Description
payload any The data to be included in the token.
secret any The secret key used to sign the token.
expires any The expiration time for the token in seconds.

Returns: The generated JWT token.


jwt_decrypt = ( tok: string, secret: string ): any

Decrypts a JWT token using the provided secret.


Name Type Description
tok any The JWT token to decrypt.
secret any The secret used to decrypt the JWT token.

Returns: The decrypted payload if the token is valid, otherwise null.


delete_folder = ( path: string ): void

Deletes a folder and all its contents recursively.


Name Type Description
path any The path of the folder to delete.

Returns: ``


shell = async ( command: string, cback: any )

Executes a shell command asynchronously.


Name Type Description
command any The shell command to execute.
cback any Optional callback function to handle the result or error.

Returns: A promise that resolves with the result of the command or rejects with an error.


progressive_fetch_file = ( url: string, update_cback: any, end_cback: any, err_cback: any )

Download the file specified by the given url using progressive events

The function gets 3 cbacks:

  • update_cback ( chunk, perc, size, total )

  • chunk: the chunk to write ( eg. fs.syncWrite ( fd, chunk, 0, chunk.len ) );

  • perc: the percentual of the file downloaded (float)
  • size: the size (in MB) of the file downloaded
  • total: total size in MB

  • end_cback ()

This cback is called at the end of the download

  • err_cback ( err )

This cback is called when something goes wrong

Returns: ``


template_render = ( template_full_path: string, dct: object ): string

Renders a template file with Handlebars syntax


Name Type Description
template_full_path str Full path for the file containing the template
dct object An object with all key / values needed

Returns: ``


typed_dict = ( dct: any, fields_descr: IFieldDescr[] )

Converts a dictionary object into a typed object based on the provided field descriptions.


Name Type Description
dct any The
fields_descr any The

Returns: The typed object with converted values and error information.

const isValidDate

const isValidDate = ( d: Date ): boolean  !isNaN( d.getTime() );

Checks if a given date is valid.


Name Type Description
d any The date to be checked.

Returns: A boolean indicating whether the date is valid or not.


date_format = ( date: any, format = 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' ): string

converts a date into a string with the desired format

yyyy - year mm - month dd - day

HH - hour MM - minutes SS - seconds

Returns: ``


isValidEmail = ( email: string ): boolean

Checks if the given email is valid.


Name Type Description
email any The email to be validated.

Returns: True if the email is valid, false otherwise.


int = ( s: any ): number

Converts the input value to an integer. If the input value is falsy or undefined, returns 0.


Name Type Description
s any The value to convert to an integer.

Returns: The converted integer value.


float = ( s: any ): number

Converts a value to a floating-point number. If the value is falsy, returns 0.0.


Name Type Description
s any The value to convert.

Returns: The converted floating-point number.


keys_remove = ( obj: any, keys: string[] )

remove keys specified by keys in obj This is a 'change in place' function. The object is modified in memory

Returns: ``


set_attr = ( obj: any, field_name: string, val: any )

sets an attribute to obj only if val is not undefined.

Returns: ``


set_attrs = ( obj: any, data: any )

sets multiple attributes to obj only if val is not undefined.

Returns: ``


keys_filter = ( obj: any, type_def: any )

Filters the keys of an object obj based on the specified fields in type_def. If a key is not in type_def, it is removed from obj.

Returns: ``


get_date = ( d: Date ): string

Returns a date in international format 'YYYY-MM-DD'

Returns: ``


list_add = ( lst: string[], el: string )

adds a new element (el) to a string list (lst) only if el does not exists in lst


Name Type Description
lst the any string
el element any to

Returns: the new modified list


list_del = ( lst: string[], el: string )

removes an element (el) from the list (lst)


Name Type Description
lst the any string
el element any to

Returns: the new modified list


keys_valid = ( dct: any )

returns a new object with only the keys that are not undefined


Name Type Description
dct the any object

Returns: a new object with valid keys

export function isObject ( item: any )

export function isObject ( item: any )

Simple object check.


Name Type Description
item any

Returns: {boolean}

export function merge ( target: any, ...sources: any[] ): any

export function merge ( target: any, ...sources: any[] ): any

Deep merge two objects.


Name Type Description
target any
...sources any

Returns: ``


list_random_pick = ( lst: any[] )

Picks a random element from the given list.


Name Type Description
lst any The list to pick from.

Returns: The randomly picked element from the list.


list_random_pick_n = ( lst: any[], n: number )

Picks n random elements from the given list.


Name Type Description
lst any The list from which to pick random elements.
n any The number of random elements to pick.

Returns: An array containing n random elements from the list.


challenge_create = ( params: string[], debug = false )

takes a list of strings and returns a valid challenge

Returns: ``


challenge_check = ( challenge: string, params: string[] ): boolean

takes a list of strings and check it agains the provided challenge


Name Type Description
challenge the any challenge
params the any list

Returns: true if the challenge is valid


slugify = ( str: string )

Converts a string into a slug by removing special characters, converting to lowercase, and replacing spaces with dashes.


Name Type Description
str any The string to be slugified.

Returns: The slugified string.


decimalToBase96 = ( decimal: number ): string

Converts a decimal number to a base-96 string representation.


Name Type Description
decimal any The

Returns: The base-96 string representation of the decimal number.


base96ToDecimal = ( base96: string ): number

Converts a base96 number to decimal.


Name Type Description
base96 any The base96 number to convert.

Returns: The decimal representation of the base96 number.


formatCurrency = ( number: number,  thousandSeparator = '.', decimalSeparator = ',' } = } ): string

Formats a number as a currency string.


Name Type Description
number any The number to format.
options any Optional formatting options.
options.thousandSeparator any The character used as a thousand separator. Default is '.'.
options.decimalSeparator any The character used as a decimal separator. Default is ','.

Returns: The formatted currency string.