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export interface ILiWESocketMessage

export interface ILiWESocketMessage

The ILiWESocketMessage defines the type of message handled by SocketIORouter All the messages in LiWE Socket.IO implementation have the same signature similar to Redux dispatch bundle.

Returns: ``

export class SocketIORouter

export class SocketIORouter

The SocketIORouter class is a singleton class created directly by liwe.startup () and defines the internal LiWE implementation of Socke.IO lib.

Returns: ``

public listener_add ( name: string, cback: any )

public listener_add ( name: string, cback: any )

Adds a listener for the specified event name.


Name Type Description
name any The name of the event to listen for.
cback any The callback function to be executed when the event is triggered.

Returns: ``

public listener_del ( name: string )

public listener_del ( name: string )

Removes a listener by name.


Name Type Description
name any The name of the listener to remove.

Returns: ``

public send_direct_raw ( socket_id: string, action: string, payload: any )

public send_direct_raw ( socket_id: string, action: string, payload: any )

Sends a raw message directly to a specific socket.


Name Type Description
socket_id any The
action any The
payload any The

Returns: ``