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class Locale implements ILocale

class Locale implements ILocale

Represents a locale with language modules for translation.

Returns: ``

public set_default_language ( lang: string ): void

public set_default_language ( lang: string ): void

Sets the default language for the locale. If no language is provided, 'en' (English) will be used as the default.


Name Type Description
lang any The language code to set as the default.

Returns: void

public set ( lang: string, key: string, single: string, plural: string, module: string

public set ( lang: string, key: string, single: string, plural: string, module: string = 'default' ): void

Sets the translation for a given language, key, single and plural values, and module. If the module is not specified, it defaults to 'default'.


Name Type Description
lang any The
key any The
single any The
plural any The
module any The

Returns: ``

public set_multi ( lang: string, module: string, items: ILocString[] ): void

public set_multi ( lang: string, module: string, items: ILocString[] ): void

Sets multiple localization strings for a specific language and module.


Name Type Description
lang any The
module any The
items any An

Returns: ``

public dump ()

public dump ()

Dumps the current state of the object to the console.

Returns: ``

public toJSON ()

public toJSON ()

Converts the languages object to a JSON string representation.

Returns: {string} The JSON string representation of the languages object.

public best_language ( languages: string

public best_language ( languages: string = "" )

Finds the best language from the given list of languages. If no languages are provided, the default language is used. The best language is determined by matching the languages against the available localization strings. The first matching language is considered the preferred language. If no matching language is found, the default language is returned.


Name Type Description
languages any The list of languages to search for the best language.

Returns: The best language found or the default language if no match is found.

public translate ( lang: string, key: string, val: object, plural: boolean

public translate ( lang: string, key: string, val: object, plural: boolean = false, module: string = 'default' ): string

Translates a given key into the specified language.


Name Type Description
lang any The
key any The
val any The
plural any Indicates
module any The

Returns: The translated string.


$l = ( key: string, val: object, plural: boolean = false, module: string = 'default', lang: string = null )

Translates a key using the specified language, module, and values.


Name Type Description
key any The key to be translated.
val any The values to be substituted in the translation.
plural any Indicates whether the translation is for plural form.
module any The module name for the translation.
lang any The language code for the translation. If not provided, the default language will be used.

Returns: The translated string.


locale_load = ( module: string, language: string )

load a locale collection into the system


Name Type Description
module any The module name (eg. 'user', 'system')
language any The language to load (eg. "it", "en", "es" )

Returns: ``