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Module: Tag

The tag module is responsible for managing tags system wide.



Name Description
Tag Tag


Path Description
POST /tag/admin/add Add or modify a tag
PATCH /tag/admin/fields Modifies some fields
POST /tag/admin/list List all tags
POST /tag/admin/module/add Adds a new module to a tag
DELETE /tag/admin/module/del Deletes a module from a tag
PATCH /tag/admin/update Updates a tag
GET /tag/list List all available tag


Name Description
tag_db_init This function initializes the module database tables.
tag_del_obj This function tags an object in the system.

The given tags must already exist.

If one or more tag in tags do not exist, they will simply be skipped with no warning. | tag_obj | This function tags an object in the system.

The given tags must already exist.

If one or more tag in tags do not exist, they will simply be skipped with no warning.



DB Table: tags


idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
y domain str Y The domain name
y name str Y The tag name
u name_domain str Y Y The unique key tag <-> domain
y count num Y Number of times this tag has been used
y visible boolean If the tag is visible to the public
* modules str[] The module using this tag. This is optional, default is 'system' (everywhere)


POST /tag/admin/add - Add or modify a tag

The call creates or updates a tag in the system

It is possible to pass the same tag with different module fields, and the module will be added to the existing modules.

This function returns the full Tag structure

Name Type req Description
name str Y The tag name
visible boolean If the tag is visible


name description
tag.editor Only the one with this permission can change ALL the tags

Return: Tag as tag

POST /tag/admin/list - List all tags

List all tags in the system.

This function returns the full Tag structure

Name Type req Description


name description
tag.editor Only the one with this permission can change ALL the tags

Return: Tag as tags

PATCH /tag/admin/update - Updates a tag

Updates a tag.

This function returns the full Tag structure

NOTE: at the moment it is not possible to change a tag name.

Name Type req Description
id str Y Address ID
name str Tag name
visible boolean If the tag is visible or not


name description
tag.editor Only the one with this permission can change ALL the tags

Return: Tag as tag

PATCH /tag/admin/fields - Modifies some fields

The call modifies one or more fields.

This function returns the full Tag structure

Name Type req Description
id str Y The address ID
data json Y The field / value to patch


name description
tag.editor Only the one with this permission can change ALL the tags

Return: Tag as tag

POST /tag/admin/module/add - Adds a new module to a tag

Adds a new module to a tag in the system.

Name Type req Description
id str Y Tag id for update
module str Y The module to add


name description
tag.editor Only the one with this permission can change ALL the tags

Return: Tag as tag

DELETE /tag/admin/module/del - Deletes a module from a tag

Deletes a module from a tag.

Name Type req Description
id str Y Tag id for update
module str Y The module to add


name description
tag.editor Only the one with this permission can change ALL the tags

Return: Tag as tag

GET /tag/list - List all available tag

The call returns a list of all available tag.

If module is specified, only tag belonging to that module will be returned.

This function returns a list of full Tag structures

Name Type req Description
module str The name of the module to filter for


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: Tag as tags


tag_del_obj - Remove one or more tags from the object

This function tags an object in the system.

The given tags must already exist.

If one or more tag in tags do not exist, they will simply be skipped with no warning.

Name Type req Description
tags str[] Y A list of tags
obj str Y The object to tag
module str Y The module of id_obj

Return: any

tag_obj - Tags an object

This function tags an object in the system.

The given tags must already exist.

If one or more tag in tags do not exist, they will simply be skipped with no warning.

Name Type req Description
req ilrequest Y The current request
tags str[] Y A list of tags
obj str Y The object to tag
module str Y The module of id_obj

Return: any

tag_db_init - Initializes tag module database

This function initializes the module database tables.

Name Type req Description
liwe iliwe Y LiWE full config

Return: boolean