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Module: Category

The category module is responsible of all the functions of the category and subcategory management.



Name Description
Category A category in memory


Path Description
POST /category/admin/add Adds a Category to the system
DELETE /category/admin/del Deletes a Category
PATCH /category/admin/fields Modifies a single field
GET /category/admin/list List all categories
POST /category/admin/module/add Adds a new module to a category
DELETE /category/admin/module/del Deletes a module from a category
PATCH /category/admin/update Updates a catagory
GET /category/list Returns the categories as a tree
POST /category/slug/valid Checks if a slug is valid
GET /category/top/list Returns the Top categories


Name Description
category_db_init Initialize category database tables



DB Table: categories

A category in memory

idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
y domain str Y The Domain name
y id_parent str If the category is a "sub category", the id_parent contains the id of the Category container
y id_owner str User that created this category (and it is defined as 'owner')
y is_folder boolean A true / false flag defining if the current category is actually a folder
title str Category name
description str Category description
image str Category image id
image_url str Category image URL
u slug str Category slug
y visible boolean If the category is visible
y top boolean This is a top category
* modules str[] tags for the type


idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str the main id field
id_parent str If the category is a "sub category", the id_parent contains the id of the Category container
id_owner str User that created this category (and it is defined as 'owner')
is_folder boolean A true / false flag defining if the current category is actually a folder
title str Category name
description str Category description
image str Category image
image_url str Category image URL
children Category[] the children of this Tree Item
slug str Slug


idx Name Type req priv Description
u id str Y the main id field
title str Y Category name
description str Y Category description
image str Y Category image
image_url str Y Category image URL


POST /category/admin/add - Adds a Category to the system

The call creates a category inside the system.

This function returns the full Category structure

Name Type req Description
title str Y Category title
slug str Y Category slug
id_parent str the parent Category (if any)
description str Category description
modules str[] The Module(s) the category is included in
top boolean Flag T/F if Category is a TOP category
visible boolean Flag T/F for category visibility
image str The category image


name description
category.editor The user can edit categories

Return: category as Category

PATCH /category/admin/update - Updates a catagory

The call updates a category inside the system.

This function returns the full Category structure

Name Type req Description
id str Y the Category ID to update
id_parent str the parent Category (if any)
title str Category title
slug str Category slug
description str Category description
modules str[] The Module(s) the category is included
top boolean Flag T/F if Category is a TOP category
visible boolean If the category is visible or not
image str The category image


name description
category.editor The user can edit categories

Return: category as Category

PATCH /category/admin/fields - Modifies a single field

The call modifies a single field.

This function returns the full Category structure

Name Type req Description
id str Y The category ID
data json Y The field / value to patch


name description
category.editor The user can edit categories

Return: category as Category

GET /category/admin/list - List all categories

The call lists all categories in the system.

This function returns the full Category[] structure

Name Type req Description
parent_only boolean If T, returns only the first level categories


name description
category.editor The user can edit categories

Return: categories as Category

DELETE /category/admin/del - Deletes a Category

This call deletes a category. If the category contains sub categories, all sub categories will be deleted as well, recursively.

Name Type req Description
id str Y Ths ID category to be deleted


name description
category.editor The user can edit categories

Return: id as str

POST /category/admin/module/add - Adds a new module to a category

The call updates a category adding a new module.

This function returns the full Category structure

Name Type req Description
id str Y the Category ID to update
module str Y The module to add


name description
category.editor The user can edit categories

Return: category as Category

DELETE /category/admin/module/del - Deletes a module from a category

The call updates a category deleting a new module.

This function returns the full Category structure

Name Type req Description
id str Y the Category ID to update
module str Y The module to be removed


name description
category.editor The user can edit categories

Return: category as Category

GET /category/list - Returns the categories as a tree

This endpoint returns all the categories as a tree

Name Type req Description
id_category str The starting id_category
module str The starting module


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: tree as CategoryTreeItem

GET /category/top/list - Returns the Top categories

This endpoint returns all the top categories (parent)

Name Type req Description
module str The starting module
limit num Maximum number of categories to return


name description
public Everyone can call this

Return: categs as CategorySmallItem

POST /category/slug/valid - Checks if a slug is valid

Name Type req Description
slug str Y The slug to check
id str The ID category (if exists)


name description
category.editor The user can edit categories

Return: ok as boolean


category_db_init - Category init function

Initialize category database tables

Name Type req Description
liwe iliwe Y init category db

Return: boolean